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The Jewellery Edit

Exploring the allure of iconic jewels

Exploring the allure of iconic jewels

This month we’re diving into the world of timeless elegance, exploring legendary jewels that have defined luxury through the ages. 

1. The Hope Diamond

Hope Diamond, a 45.52-carat gem in deep blue hue, known for its beauty, rich history, and the famous curse surrounding it.

A marvel of deep blue hue and rich history, the Hope Diamond has fascinated and enchanted for centuries. Weighing in at 45.52 carats, this stunning gem is renowned not just for its beauty but also for its intriguing history and alleged curse. 

2. The Koh-i-Noor

Koh-i-Noor diamond, one of the largest cut diamonds in the world, known for its brilliance and historical significance, formerly part of the Mughal crown jewels

The Koh-i-Noor, meaning "Mountain of Light," is one of the largest cut diamonds in the world. Once part of the Mughal crown jewels, it is now a centerpiece of the British Crown Jewels, known for its unparalleled brilliance and historical significance.

3. The Cartier Panther Bracelet

Cartier Panther Bracelet, an Art Deco design featuring a stylized panther with black enamel spots and diamond accents.

The Cartier Panther Bracelet is a masterpiece of Art Deco design, featuring a sleek, stylised panther adorned with black enamel spots and brilliant-cut diamonds. This bracelet epitomises Cartier's innovative and opulent design ethos.